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Pirineos: Canfranc

Pirineos: Canfranc

Page Type Page Type: Area/Range
Location Lat/Lon: 42.71376°N / 0.47266°W
Activities Activities: Hiking, Mountaineering, Trad Climbing, Sport Climbing, Ice Climbing, Mixed, Scrambling
Additional Information Elevation: 9468 ft / 2886 m
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It's a very wide area with some independent massifs very differents. The valley of Alto Aragón (around the river Aragon) or valley of Canfranc is very humanized with ski-resorts, villages, forest tracks... generally the access to trailheads of mountains is very good but the nature is less "wild" with some degradations of the terrain.
The main city is Jaca but the historic village is Canfranc, very near of the line of mountain chain.

Massif of Bernera-Aspe

North face of Aspe

The first massif from the west of valley of Canfranc is the little range of Bernera joins with the massif of Aspe with a lot of important mountains around it. The impressive Aspe has a spectacullar north face in winter over the ski resort of Candanchu.
-The most important mountains: Llana del Bozo (2570m), Llana de la garganta (2580m), Aspe (2645m), Borau (2561m), Lecherín (2567m), Peña Blanca (2180m).

Full list of all the peaks over 2000 meters of the massif:

  Peak Meters   Peak Meters
01 Mesola 2168 18 La Zapatilla 2252
02 Petrito 2118 19 El Tobazo 2049
03 Punta Napazal 2117 20 Borau Occidental 2502
04 Punta Cuello Bozo 2088 21 El Sombrero 2562
05 Punta Alta de Napazal 2363 22 Pico Lecherín 2566
06 Bernera 2432 23 Mallos de Lecherín 2452
07 Bozo de Bernera 2454 24 Rigüelo 2299
08 Ruaba de Berbera 2455 25 Punta de la Madalena 2274
09 Olibón 2475 26 Pico de la Madalena 2283
10 Puntal del Bozo 2407 27 Punta de las Blancas 2131
11 Puntal de Labata 2409 28 Punta Sesín 2022
12 Ruaba del Bozo 2419 29 Punta Sayerri 2016
13 Labata 2215 30 Pico Tortiellas/Lecherines 2344
14 Llana del Bozo 2559 31 Punta Tortiellas 2358
15 Llena de la Garganta 2597 32 Peña Blanca 2189
16 Aspe 2640 33 Pico del Aguila 2096
17 Tuca Blanca 2322      




Punta Magdalena


The peak of La Magdalena...


Punta Tortiellas


Massif Lecherin-Peña Blanca
Peña Blanca


Cirque of Rioseta
P.del Aguila


The Peak of Anayet (2545m)...

The area of sky resorts: Formigal, Astun...
-Mountains: Arroyeras (2565m), Anayet (2574m), Astún (2279m), Anéou (2364m). The most beautifull peak is the rocky Anayet in the marvelous place of Canal Roya and the lakes of Anayet.

In the french side of the valley we have the peaks Hourquette (2384m) and Pic des Moines (2352m). The Pic des Moines is in the same massif of this mountains and it has almost full route in the valley of Canfranc (spanish side) but the summit is a few of meters in the french side and for this reason it doesn't appear in the list of peaks of the valley.

Full list of all the peaks over 2000 meters of the massif:

Astún-Anéou-Anayet-Tres Hombres
  Peak Meters   Peak Meters
01 Arnousse 2141 20 Espelunciecha 2399
02 Bénou 2267 21 Punta de la Garganta 2145
03 Belonseiche 2293 22 Pico de Anayet 2574
04 Punta l'Escalar 2283 23 Punta de las Negras 2459
05 Pico Astún 2287 24 Vértice de Anayet 2555
06 Astún Or./Astu 2277 25 O Porté 2439
07 Malacara 2268 26 O Chiniprés 2390
08 La Raca 2278 27 Garmo de Izas 2515
09 Pico Canal Roya 2345 28 Arroyetas 2567
10 Peña Blanca 2365 29 Culivillas 2509
11 Pic d'Anéou 2364 30 Pico Royo 2429
12 Cuyalaret 2291 31 Punta Lapazuso 2269
13 Gralleras 2261 32 Campo de Troya 2218
14 Gralleras Sur 2204 33 Punta Condiana 2244
15 Campana d'Anéou 2212 34 Punta Sorpena 2242
16 La Forqueta 2123 35 Pico Tres Hombres 2271
17 Pène Myetadère 2108 36 Punta Tres Güegas 2302
18 Corona de Farallones 2052 37 Pico de la Sierra 2289
19 Espelunciecha Or. 2247 38 El Porrón 2311




Collarada seen from the Pala...

Collarada is the highest and most important mountain of valley of Canfranc surrounded but the special cirque of Ip.

-The most important mountains: Collarada (2886m), La Moleta (2576m), Pala de Ip (2749m), Escarra (2760m), Pala de Alcañiz (2763m).

Full list of all the peaks over 2000 meters of the massif:

  Peak Meters   Peak Meters
01 Picos de Iserías 2476 16 Collaradeta 2729
02 La Moleta 2572 17 El Fraile 2705
03 Picos de la Tronquera 2689 18 Peña Nebera 2721
04 Pala de Ip 2779 19 Peña Somola Alta 2692
05 Campanal de Izas 2268 20 Peña Somola Baja 2574
06 Punta Escarra 2748 21 Punta Espata 2202
07 Hombro de Escarra 2701 22 Bacún Norte 2191
08 Campanils de Ip 2598 23 Bacún Sur 2114
09 Punta del Águila 2681 24 Pico de la Lera 2132
10 Los Piquez 2591 25 Punta Arbenuso 2379
11 Bucuesa /Pala de Alcañiz 2765 26 Peña Calcín Occ 2206
12 El Dedo 2479 27 Peña Calcín Central 2205
13 Los Cuchillares 2681 28 Peña Calcín Or 2178
14 Campanales de Collarada 2679 29 Las Forcas 2147
15 Collarada 2885      





Sierra de Partacua

 Peña Telera from the ravine...

The range of Partacua is a long and individualizated line of summits at south of the valley in the border with valley of Tena with the great presence of Peña Telera. It's possible the adscription to both valleys (Tena or Canfranc).

The most important mountains: Corona de Mallo (2540m), Peña Parda (2680m), Peña Telera (2765m), Peña Retona (2718m).

Full list of all the peaks over 2000 meters of the massif:

  Peak Meters   Peak Meters
01 Pala d'os Rayos 2646 18 Peña Parda 2661
02 Peña Retona 2775 19 Campanal 2392
03 Punta Blanca 2727 20 Corona del Mallo 2536
04 Pico Puerto Rico 2753 21 Peña Blanca Alta 2513
05 Pabellón 2707 22 Peña Blanca 2314
06 Peña de Puerto Rico 2599 23 Punta Cochaldo 2213
07 El Huerto 2214 24 Forqueta d'os Palomos 2109
08 Balcón de Pilatos 2358 25 Forqueta os Güertos 2069
09 Pico Zecutar 2062 26 Punta Balposata 2198
10 Tríptico 2622 27 Punta d'Icún /Pta.d'as Canals 2141
11 Punta Castech 2099 28 Punta d'Enmedio 2010
12 Peña Zarranbucho 2572 29 Peñas de Aso/Planaralla 2112
13 Pico Retona 2571 30 Sarrataclau 2059
14 Peña Gabacha 2206 31 Punta Burrambalo 2146
15 Cima sin Nombre 2612 32 Punta Fazera 2036
16 Capullo 2652 33 Punta Zerruza 2009
17 Peña Telera 2762      




Punta d Icún / Punta d as Canals




Children refers to the set of objects that logically fall under a given object. For example, the Aconcagua mountain page is a child of the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits.' The Aconcagua mountain itself has many routes, photos, and trip reports as children.