Park near 150m on the A4086 Lamberis Pass, below Cwm Glas Mawr.
Cross the stream and follow it up into the Cwm. Continue up to the next level with a few good scrambles available to warm you up for what is to come. Once above the small falls keep Liyn Glas to your left.
The view on approach as you first get a sight if the arete. You can see it here on the photo, take a look, top left of center, going up into the cloud. It can be a hard place to locate when the cloud is low. There is plenty of scope for scrambling. The route up to the arete can be varied to taste. A great and quiet route. leave a comment if you do it!
Route Description
The Clogwyn person Arete's start is just above 750m.
Avoid the first smooth nose of rock , going to the right up a groove or on the steep ridge on its right. then pick your way directly up the ridge. The route is sometimes quite exposed, but very good. Once the scramble is over you find yourself at 1001m at Garnedd Ugain only 1k from the Snowdon summit. Follow the ridge west then south joining the pyg track at 993m.
Essential Gear
This is a scramble where many may feel the need for belay's.
I have used a rope for confidence, and on another occation a sling provide a step. Depending on company.
A small selection of nuts, slings and a length of rope should therefore be carried, although more experienced may not find it needed.
Miscellaneous Info
If you have information about this route that doesn't pertain to any of the other sections, please add it here.