Grays Peak Climber's Log

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Larry V

Larry V - Apr 21, 2004 11:14 pm

Route Climbed: from Torreys Date Climbed: August 2003  Sucess!

Second time to visit Grays' summit. Solo trip with great weather. I love the view on the way up.

Ryan Kowalski

Ryan Kowalski - Apr 19, 2004 12:20 pm

Route Climbed: Stevens Gulch Date Climbed: October 4, 2000  Sucess!

An interesting day as it was windy, cold, snowy and every other sort of nasty. Saw Kelso Ridge for the first time and skipped Torreys until I could climb her on Kelso Ridge. My first glissade too!


f360driver - Apr 14, 2004 6:40 pm

Route Climbed: Standard Date Climbed: June/03  Sucess!

Good hike.


coloradoiceclimber - Apr 10, 2004 3:18 pm

Route Climbed: Horseshoe Basin Date Climbed: August 1999  Sucess!

This is a good warm-up or intro 14er combo with Torrey's.


Kimberly - Apr 5, 2004 4:46 pm

Route Climbed: Stevenson Basin Date Climbed: September 2001  Sucess!

I climbed it while pregnant.


Chris - Mar 22, 2004 10:03 pm

Route Climbed: Horshoe Basin Date Climbed: July 2003  Sucess!

Nice climb, great wildflowers in the valley on the hike up. Huge herd of either Bighorn Sheep or Mountain Goats on the flanks of Gray's.

Climbed with Torreys Peak.


pphlux - Mar 19, 2004 11:32 pm

Route Climbed: Stephens Gulch Date Climbed: Various  Sucess!

I've summited Grays 4 times now.

Once via Torreys Kelso Ridge, other via normal route.

This is a very nice trip, and two of mine have been leading groups

of CU students from the Residence Halls.

Very enjoyable, and not too terribly much traffic and decent weather

in early September.


gemgoddis - Feb 2, 2004 1:35 pm

Route Climbed: Stephen's Gulch Trailhead Date Climbed: May 2002  Sucess!

This was my second 14er. We got a late start (9am)due to waiting for the rest of our group. I was a little more prepared this time in that I had purchased a Camelbak (as opposed to carrying 3 liter bottles of water).

This is a very beautiful hike with plenta of flora and fauna to be seen. We took our time to stop and take lots of pictures and to enjoy the scenery. Hardly any snow on the trail, but it was a bit muddy and wet in some places. The last few switchbacks to the summit were exhausting, but what a reward!!

After pictures and lunch we headed down the saddle towards Torrey's.


pcorridon - Jan 16, 2004 8:03 am

Route Climbed: Lost Rat Date Climbed: July 7, 2003  Sucess!

Lost Rat was snow filled and a lot of fun, especially the righthand variation that goes up past "the rascal". The rest of the hike after the couloir was a plod and only worth it to tag the top.


hhsilleck - Jan 10, 2004 6:45 pm

Route Climbed: from Torres Date Climbed: June 2001  Sucess!

Climbed 3rd time in 2002. Good 1st fourteener.


Nelson - Dec 30, 2003 8:58 am

Route Climbed: Saddle from Torreys Date Climbed: May, 2002  Sucess!

Tagged it after climbing Dead Dog Couloir. Nice.

Sock Monkey

Sock Monkey - Dec 28, 2003 6:09 pm

Route Climbed: Stevens Gulch Date Climbed: August 4, 2003  Sucess!

Climbed Grays and Torreys together


jrf - Dec 5, 2003 8:50 pm

Route Climbed: Stevens Gulch Date Climbed: August 2001  Sucess!

My 2nd fourteener. The clouds rolled in near the summit and we couldn't see more than 20 feet in any direction. Still need to go back for Torrey's.


bdewoody - Dec 3, 2003 6:24 pm

Route Climbed: Steven's Gulch Date Climbed: September 1999  Sucess!

Fairly easy, probably a good first 14er.


summiteer16 - Dec 2, 2003 9:02 am

Route Climbed: Standard Date Climbed: August 1999  Sucess!

Easy first fourteener. storm rolled in and we were above it. Awesome.

Erik Beeler

Erik Beeler - Nov 24, 2003 2:06 pm

Date Climbed: August 2002  Sucess!

First 14er, fun hike. Jogged down to catch up to some females.


Haliku - Nov 17, 2003 9:55 pm

Route Climbed: Stephen' Gulch Date Climbed: Aug 14, 2003  Sucess!

A fun training hike. I took my 59.5 years young father on his first 14er. Being from Pa he wasn't used to the altitude. By taking it slow with plenty of water we made it. My third visit to this top.


jeffgun - Nov 15, 2003 1:32 pm

Route Climbed: Stevens Gulch Date Climbed: Twice, can't remember the dates  Sucess!

Summited this one along with Torrey's the first time with my father. Great day. The second time was with a group of friends. Another great day!


belexes - Oct 16, 2003 9:27 pm

Route Climbed: Stevens Gulch Date Climbed: July 28, 2003  Sucess!

Knocked off this bad boy before heading over to Torreys. Great weather and great scenery the whole way. There were a few mountain goats running around at the pass between the two 14ers, I guess they really like this area. Not too difficult for 14ers, the only difficult part is driving up the very rough road to the trailhead.

Andesite - Oct 14, 2003 1:21 pm

Route Climbed: Stevens gulch Date Climbed: October 12, 2003  Sucess!

Extremly windy and icy, but well worth the veiw at the top. It is not nearly as icy if you decend to the saddle between Grays and Torreys.

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