

Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Pulsar
Manufacturer Charlet Moser
Page By kovarpa
Page Type Nov 22, 2007 / Nov 22, 2007
Object ID 4301
Hits 15158

Product Description

Charlet Moser's Pulsar, introduced in 1984, was a significant improvement over the first widely distributed real ice tool, the Simond Chacal that many old-time climbers still remember with nostalgia. A few years later, CM introduced the first bent shaft, and then an interchangeable shaft system which make it possible to use three different shafts (short straight, short curved, long). The latter system appears to be as reliable and solid as a normal tool. They also had for a few years a lighter version of the Pulsar with a straight hollowed shaft which has an excellent balance.
CM's Pulsars are well-proven tools, and have been used on some of the hardest climbs ever.



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kovarpa - Nov 22, 2007 4:26 pm - Voted 5/5

My first real tools
and still good enough for what I do. Quite heavy but that can help with the swing. I actually really like the CM leashes.

tommi - Nov 23, 2007 10:21 am - Voted 5/5

My first ice tools
My first ice tools for many years. I changed them this year but i really loved them. If you ever used the Pulsar you know how comfortable the new and modern ice tools are. Every year i had bloody finger backs because of the contact to the ice.
They are really a bit more heavy than modern ones, but still great.

Old School WB - Jul 30, 2013 2:35 am - Voted 5/5

My first ice tools
I used these tools for years back in the mid to late 1990's. Cut my teeth, and fingers, on ice climbing with these. Climbed more routes with these tools any set of tools. I had the straight shaft pair. Lead my stiffest routes on these tools; Murchison Falls (in 5 conditions), Malignant Mushroom (WI5) and Transparent Fool (WI5). For the time the weight and swing were awesome. The hammer could really drive a pin.

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