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Discussion of medical or rescue topics related to climbing and mountaineering.

MISSING HIKER near Preston Peak, CA

A missing hiker missing during a descent from Preston Peak to Raspberry Lake Sunday, 6/26/22. Search and Rescue in progress. Please call 911 if you encounter John, missing hiker, who is about 5'4", Asian, in his 30s.

Thank you,
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Acute Mountain Sickness Research

Calling all MD and/or PhD climbing enthusiasts! The American Institute of Holistic Mountain Medicine is looking for researchers to join our team in designing methodologies, collecting and analyzing data involving natural approaches to addressing high altitude hypoxia and Acute Mountain Sickness. Please reply to this post or contact Gary @ if you have the above credentials and are interested in receiving more information. No solicitations please. Thanks for reading!
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Please help! Life or death

Hi my name is Haley and I am desperately seeking a experienced ice or mountaineer man that can go up to hidden lake lookout powerat Mt. VERNON in wa. My sister rachel went missing on Oct 17th. We found her car at the trail head and believe she is stuck up in this lookout after a snow storm came in. Rescue team has not been able to reach her and even a naval helicoptor couldn't ...
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snakebite medicine for hikers and hunters snakebite medicine for hikers and hunters

:idea: Hello countrymen,
I'm a hiker and a hunter. I've been hiking in mountains and jungle for around 6 years. In my hiking days I've seen a great many kinds of animals and insects. and the most common one was the snake.

I had to face about 10 kinds of snakes. but luckily I haven't been bitten ever. but there is always a chance. so I thought ...
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Climbing after getting AMS ?

There is a lot of stuff about preventing AMS (acute mountain sickness) but I havn’t found much about what to do after you had it and the symptoms have disapeared.

I am in Ecuador to climb the Chimborazo (20 547 ft) and I got mountain sick when I climbed (on my first day, I know, bad idea) the Rucu Pichincha (15 255 ft). I now have to rest for a few days but I still ...
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Toe Pains While Climbing/Hiking Toe Pains While Climbing/Hiking

Hi all,

I am fairly new to rock climbing and have been primarily climbing at an indoor gym local to me. I have been climbing for ~1 year and I can comfortably climb V5s at a max.

I have been having issues with my toes cramping while climbing. Has anyone else experienced this problem and if so how have you alleviated it?

Are there any tools out there to help people's toes return to maximum ...
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Research Investigating Climbers' Shoulders at Steadman

Hi Colorado climbers,

We at The Steadman Philippon Research Institute hope that spring is treating you well! Dr. Thomas Hackett is currently recruiting elite climbers for a study investigating long term changes in climbers’ shoulders. Currently, there is no standard algorithm for the management of shoulder pain in the climbing athlete. This study will provide a reference that will assist doctors in their clinical decision-making while treating shoulder pain in climbers. We are interested in ...
Read more : Research Investigating Climbers' Shoulders at Steadman | Views : 5148 | Replies : 2

Tuberculosis at altitude

I work in the healthcare field and tested positive on a TB skin test in the past. I've heard that high altitudes might be beneficial for any tuberculosis infection that I have in me. Does anyone know if that is a myth or if it might help?
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