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Novice Climbers, What to Climb in Argentina?


Use the site all the time for beta on different peaks but now I have little more open ended question that I hope someone might provide a suggestion for:

Headed to Argentina for work in November and am playing with the idea of checking out the mountains. I won't have sufficient time to acclimatize or the funds for a guided trip (so far as I can tell) so something like Aconcagua is out of ...
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Ecuador, Mid-January 2014

I am planning a 16-18 day climbing trip to Ecuador, heading over around January 14-17. As of now I am alone, but would welcome company if anyone is interested. As for experience, I would say that I am roughly a "low intermediate" climber.

It is my intention to climb the Illinizas, Cotopaxi, one of Cayambe or Antisana, and then take a shot at Chimborazo. I'm planning a fairly aggressive itinerary, but with some rest days ...
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Peru next April; anyone interested?

I noticed that airfare to Peru from Denver was really cheap. Unfortunately, it was also that way in the summer, but the summer price rose before I decided to book it a few days later (I was originally going to head to Cuzco/Ausangate in June/July). Arequipa Peru from Denver is still around $675 round trip for spring, which is a really good deal (other parts of Peru don’t have good weather during Spring, but Arequipa ...
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Peru in August

Hi all,
I am planning on heading to the Cordillera Blanca the first two weeks of August. The first week/10 days I will be acclimatizing and plan on climbing Pisco with a partner. However after that my partner is leaving and I will have 4-6 days free to do another climb. If anyone is looking for another person to join their group please PM me
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Chimborazo / Cotopaxi and acclimatisation

Hi All, we're an Australian and North American looking for some partners for some acclimatisation climbs in Ecuador, followed by Chimborazo or Cotopaxi.

We are both pretty fit but we have been living at sea-level for a while in Ecuador so we need to warm up a bit before we attempt the bigger climbs.

We have climbed a few 14ers in Colorado but neither of us have technical mountaineering experience. I have done some ice ...
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Chopicalqui June 2013

I will be in Peru June 14 - July 6 and am looking to climb Chopicalqui & Pisco after I complete trekking Huayhuash.
I would welcome company for any of the above! If interested please let me know.

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Aconcagua Dec 2013 - Jan 2014

I'm in the planning stages of an unguided solo trip to SA next winter to Climb Aconcagua and figured I'd throw it out there to see if anyone else was heading there to do the same. My thinking is (2) solo climbers could keep each other company, keep an eye on one another, and maybe split some costs here or there (mules, hostel, things like that).

Shoot me a pm for more details or if ...
Read more : Aconcagua Dec 2013 - Jan 2014 | Views : 27395 | Replies : 24

Bariloche 2013

I've recently moved to Bariloche. I'm looking for climbing partners for all sorts of activities. Some goals for the summer include: Tronador (Pico Argentino and Pico Chileno), Cerro Bonete, Cerro Navidad, Cerro Capilla, Osorno, and anything at Frey. I'm open to any other ideas that sound exciting.
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Huayna Potosi - Rainy Season

Hi all

I am currently in Bolivia, and I have most of my climbing gear with me as me and a friend climbed Aconcagua late last year. We have been lugging this gear round since fully assumming we would not get another chance to climb again as the rainy season is upon us in Bolivia and Peru, and Ecuador requires expensive guides for any climbs these days.

However I have started hearing from other travellers ...
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