
  Map View
Viewing: 121-144 of 604
Eric Sandbo Eric Sandbo
Score: 79.04% Views: 26576

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Mountaineering
Difficulty: Class 2 or 3, plus glaciers
Parents: Ptarmigan Traverse
Eric Sandbo Eric Sandbo
Score: 79.04% Views: 30132

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Alpine traverse
Difficulty: Class 3, plus glacier
Parents: Ptarmigan Traverse
Eric Sandbo Eric Sandbo
Score: 79.76% Views: 43963

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Off-trail high traverse, glacier
Difficulty: Class 2 or 3, plus glacier travel
Parents: Ptarmigan Traverse
Derek Franzen Derek Franzen
Score: 73.05% Views: 34941

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Glacier Climb
Difficulty: Grade II or III
Parents: Sherman Peak Mount Baker
Blakester Blakester
Score: 72.08% Views: 99670

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Technical rock climb (trad )
Difficulty: 5.8+ 75'
Parents: Mount Erie
leftfield leftfield
Score: 71.65% Views: 15533

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Snowfield climb
Difficulty: Class 3
Parents: Buckner Mountain
Bob Bolton Bob Bolton
Score: 72.87% Views: 9629

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Basic snow/talus/scree
Difficulty: Walk-up
Parents: Seven Fingered Jack
Klenke Klenke
Score: 77.48% Views: 8368

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Mountaineering
Difficulty: Loose Scrambling
Grade: II
Rock Difficulty: Class 4
Parents: Storm King
Brian Jenkins Brian Jenkins
Score: 73.06% Views: 4660

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Scramble/Technical Climb
Difficulty: Class 3 (Variation estimated at Class 4-easy 5)
Parents: Kloochman Rock
Fred Spicker Fred Spicker
Score: 78.27% Views: 5590

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Mountaineering
Grade: I
Rock Difficulty: Class 4
Parents: Graybeard Peak
Klenke Klenke
Score: 0% Views: 12325

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Path then scramble
Difficulty: Class 3 in summer, Class 4 in winter
Parents: Hibox Mountain
Z-Man Z-Man
Score: 71.06% Views: 5830

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Hiking, Mountaineering, Scrambling, Skiing
Rock Difficulty: Class 3
Parents: Little Devil Peak
Klenke Klenke
Score: 73.06% Views: 10546

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Scramble
Difficulty: Class 3+
Parents: Cathedral Peak
Andy Dewey Andy Dewey
Score: 71.06% Views: 4833

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Scramble, Bushwhack
Difficulty: Class 2-3
Parents: Liberty Mountain
Klenke Klenke
Score: 72.08% Views: 8755

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Scramble
Difficulty: Class 3 with steep snow
Parents: Mount Spickard
Andy Dewey Andy Dewey
Score: 72.08% Views: 9392

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Scrambling
Rock Difficulty: Class 4
Parents: Corteo Peak
Klenke Klenke
Score: 71.06% Views: 7016

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Forest scramble
Difficulty: Class 2 mostly but with a little Class 3
Parents: Mount Teneriffe
Andy Dewey Andy Dewey
Score: 74.01% Views: 4040

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Mountaineering
Difficulty: little or no scrambing (class 1-2), steep snow depending on season
Parents: Big Bear Mountain
Cascade Scrambler Cascade Scrambler
Score: 0% Views: 6376

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Scrambling
Difficulty: Not for beginners
Parents: Lichtenberg Mountain
Z-Man Z-Man
Score: 73.06% Views: 5336

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Mountaineering, Trad Climbing
Grade: III
Rock Difficulty: 5.9 (YDS)
Parents: Early Morning Spire
Matt Lemke Matt Lemke
Score: 81.64% Views: 52570

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Trad Climbing
Grade: II
Rock Difficulty: 5.6 (YDS)
Parents: Liberty Bell Mountain
Martin Cash Martin Cash
Score: 78.46% Views: 20910

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Trad Climbing
Difficulty: III 5.8
Grade: III
Rock Difficulty: 5.8 (YDS)
Parents: South Early Winters Spire
Z-Man Z-Man
Score: 74.01% Views: 11344

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Mountaineering, Trad Climbing
Grade: III
Rock Difficulty: 5.8 (YDS)
Parents: Dorado Needle
Brian Jenkins Brian Jenkins
Score: 75.81% Views: 2571

Washington, United States, North America

Route Type: Trad Climbing
Rock Difficulty: 5.0 (YDS)
Parents: Goat Citadel
Viewing: 121-144 of 604