Brunton Cub


Brunton Cub
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Brunton Cub
Manufacturer Brunton
Page By Deltaoperator17
Page Type Jan 23, 2009 / Mar 4, 2009
Object ID 5845
Hits 4909

Product Description

Steel Construction
Weight: 8 oz.
Up to 10,000 BTUs
Wide burner at 3.25"
Includes: Mesh Bag
Burn Time: 110 min
Boil Time : 3 min
Fuel: Isobutane
Pot Base: 4.75"



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Deltaoperator17 - Jan 23, 2009 4:05 pm - Voted 5/5

8 Months
I have owned this stove for 8 months now and it is very steady. Some of my friends stoves break down, this one keeps firing, cooked all of our meals on this. Inexpensive and HUGELY reliable!

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