

Page Type Gear Review
Object Title WindPro
Manufacturer MSR
Page By vertx
Page Type Oct 28, 2004 / Jan 22, 2007
Object ID 1153
Hits 4669

Product Features

- WindPro's wide burner-head that evenly distributes the cooking flame for scorch-free cooking.
- Easy to operate--no priming, pre-heating or pressurizing is necessary.
- Wide burner-head distributes flame evenly.
- Includes windscreen and heat reflector for increased operating performance.
- Three legs/pot supports fan out to form a stable six-inch cooking surface.
- Folds for compact storage.
- Flame is easily adjusted.
- 12-inch long fuel line
- Totally field maintainable



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vertx - Oct 28, 2004 5:43 pm - Voted 4/5

Untitled Review
Pretty nice stove and a good value for the weight. The heat deflector and windscreen are a big plus although the windscreen is somewhat difficult to get to stand up and stay in place in the wind. Provides good heat. This is not the best stove for super cold weather applications, but for the average backpacking trip you can't beat the weight. The flame is easily adjusted and controlled. Fits a 1 quart pot and is suprisingly stable when care is taken to set it up on a level firm surface. Pretty easy to clean and maintain in the field. I would recommend this stove.

illegal_smile - May 23, 2005 2:05 pm - Voted 4/5

Untitled Review
Great stove for backpacking, fits quite nicely into your large pot (or mine at least) and stands up to the wind fairly well. I love carrying it around for climbing or hiking in cold weather as it provides a quick hot drink.

One thing, maybe it's the canisters i've been using but they don't seem to work real well in very cold temperatures (seemingly below freezing though it depends on conditions).

jdstrong - Nov 20, 2005 4:29 pm - Voted 3/5

Untitled Review
I have used this stove on many backpacing trips and it has worked excellent. I have tried several different types of fuel canisters and have found nothing that will work well below freezing. You can keep the canister in your bag/parka to heat warm it up, but you must let it sit in one-two inches of water to prevent freezing during use. I have heard others say that they carry two and swap during the middle of cooking due to freezing. If using for mountaineering, go with a liquid fuel stove. For everythng else, this is your best pick.

tommi - Jan 21, 2007 1:56 pm - Voted 5/5

I use this stove for a few years, and never had any problems. I use the msr isopro fuel and it works excellent

rasgoat - Jan 28, 2007 4:32 am - Voted 4/5

Good stove
lightweight, reliable and the windscreen is great. (for summer)

not so good for winter camping, as I have seen a Jetboil in action and it outboils water in cold condtions 5 to 1 to the windpro

camerona91 - Feb 21, 2007 12:15 am - Voted 4/5

I like my WindPro as it is relatively foolproof and clean. No spills. It is pretty stable. Folds down pretty compact. Now I think just a pocket rocket would have been fine. Apparently it is fine to put a wind screen around the pocket rocket too, it is just not recommended. A reliable and easy to use little stove though (the windpro).

awilsondc - Jun 27, 2007 10:26 pm - Voted 4/5

Awesome - most of the time
Easy to set up, no maintainance needed, great in the wind, and fast. I've had some problems a couple of times with the flame strength getting weak after it's been for a couple of minutes. The fuel line in this particular model is designed to run above the stove in the path of the flame. After it's been on for a couple minutes the fuel line heats up and glows bright red. I contacted MSR and they said this was normal and to not worry about it. I don't know if the fuel line actually shifts position when it's hot like that, blocking the flow of fuel from the burner or what, but when it does that my flame strength decreases and it takes much longer to bring water to a boil. I used this stove recently with a brand new canister of generic fuel from Fred Meyer and didn't have the problem, so it's kind of a mystery. If it weren't for this problem I'd vote 5 stars. A really good stove.

strat1080 - Jul 9, 2009 12:10 am - Voted 5/5

Very high quality stove
This stove rocks and is super easy to use. This is what Steve House uses up in the Himalayas at high altitude. MSR routinely makes very good products that you can depend on. This is one of the easiest stoves to use and the flame is very adjustable. I really can't believe how easy it is to light. Its quite a bit of stove for the weight.

Gratton89 - Oct 25, 2013 9:23 pm - Voted 4/5

Great stove for weight
This thing is great for backpacking trip. It weighs almost nothing and takes no space in your bag. I even use it in winter. The fuel makes it a little more complicated to have it work properly in very cold weather but other then than it's just a great piece of equipment I rarely leave behind.

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