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Stupid to try the Whitney Mountaineer's Route alone now?

For a variety of reasons, I seem to find myself climbing alone these days.

Been thinking about the Whitney Mountaineer's Route in a week or three...

I've been up the Main Trail several times (once up the chute because of the snow).

I have a four-season tent, -10 bag, snowshoes, an XGK, campons, ax, etc.

Am I stupid?

I guess my two biggest concerns are:

* Is there any avalanche danger?

* Are there any ...
Read more : Stupid to try the Whitney Mountaineer's Route alone now? | Views : 10134 | Replies : 17 | Forum : California

climbing in plastic liners?

Anyone ever climbed with the liners of your plastic boots for a short technical section.

I'm climbing Mt. Jefferson in Oregon in a couple of weeks. There is some short climbing sections along with glaciers and snow. I'm wearing plastics for the first time. If I didn't feel comfortable climbing in the boots are liners doable?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Read more : climbing in plastic liners? | Views : 2164 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Gear

For Sale: 5.10 Insight approach shoes, size 9

I purchased the men's 5.10 Insight approach shoes in late September 2009 and they are too small. I wore them twice, each time with clean socks.

Here is a picture of the shoes I am selling:

Here is some general info about the shoes:

I paid $108 after tax. I am selling them for $70, which includes free shipping in the lower 48. I'll sell them for cheaper if you can pick them ...
Read more : For Sale: 5.10 Insight approach shoes, size 9 | Views : 2598 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Gear

Anyone know this couloir?

I was hiking on the Arapahoe Pass Trail near Mt. Neva and Jasper and saw this couloir on the northeast ridge of Jasper. Anyone know if it has a name or its history (if any)? I am speaking of the couloir on the right, but if anything is known of either, please share.
From afar
Read more : Anyone know this couloir? | Views : 1787 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Colorado

Who Got Rick Rolled?

When clicking on a "new user" on the home page, I got Rick Rolled. (This was the toilet paper roll user.) Apparently, so did an elf, because it got cleaned up pretty fast. Anybody else?
Read more : Who Got Rick Rolled? | Views : 3928 | Replies : 11 | Forum : Site Feedback

Denali Slideshow @ Sports Basement in SF on monday 26 Oct.

I don't think SB is sponsoring this one, like the last––no pizza and beer, so bring your own.

Hello all,

My next (and final) slideshow about my Denali climb this past June will be next Monday at the Sports Basement Presidio in San Francisco. I organized this one due to popular demand from folks in SF that couldn't make it down to the one in Sunnyvale last month. There's no organization sponsoring this one - ...
Read more : Denali Slideshow @ Sports Basement in SF on monday 26 Oct. | Views : 1563 | Replies : 4 | Forum : California

Dogs-Wildlife Refuge

One would think this is such a simple concept for retired, well educated (read-been around the block a time or two), folks to comprehend. Rednecks, well sure, I am fully aware of the dog and cock fighting crew. Been around my share of those folks in the deep south. But I have observed two very interesting phenomena, well over a thousand miles apart, both occurring with retired, appear to be well educated, individuals.

In Canmore, ...
Read more : Dogs-Wildlife Refuge | Views : 10554 | Replies : 58 | Forum : General

Pesky problem-- frozen boots overnight...


Long time lurker, I don't post often, but tend to read a lot.

I've really stepped up my hiking and light climbing this winter and have subjected myself to some pretty ruthless winter conditions.

That being said, I'm having a pesky, annoying and dangerous problem.

Frozen boots, every morning. How do you all combat this? Do you have any tricks or tips for me, short of putting them in my sleeping bag? Which... isn't ...
Read more : Pesky problem-- frozen boots overnight... | Views : 8819 | Replies : 36 | Forum : General

Detroit Marathon, was anybody else there?

I ran Detroit this weekend. Unofficial time was 3:24:xx. Not great, but not bad for my first marathon. I'm exhausted and my legs have never been more sore, but I'm still proud of my time and already planning for another one in the spring.

Link to PnP thread on the subject.

Are Tod, Tim, John, Glen, Justin, Josh, Tony, or Dan on here? Anybody notice/run with #692? Well, that was me.
Read more : Detroit Marathon, was anybody else there? | Views : 1900 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Midwest (Great Plains, Great Lakes)

Golfer's elbow

Just been diagnosed with golfer's elbow. Already been refraining from climbing for a month to try and sort it out myself, finally went to see the doctor today, said could be another 2-3 months before I can climb again. Cheer me up/depress me more with similar stories please.
Read more : Golfer's elbow | Views : 8369 | Replies : 23 | Forum : General


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