Although not one of the ten highest peaks in the Flat Tops, Big Marvine Peak is assuredly one of the top ten most picturesque. The peak lies on the western edge of Colorado's second largest Wilderness Area--the Flat Tops Wilderness--at the head of East Marvine and Marvine Creek drainages. The peak rises beautifully from the Flat Top plateau providing outstanding views over Meeker, CO and points west as well as views of most of the major Flat Tops peaks to the east including Flat Top Mountain, Derby, Trappers Peak, and W Mountain.
Getting There
Big Marvine Peak is primarily reached from the trailheads on the west side of the Flat Tops Wilderness outside Meeker, CO. The easiest way to get to this area is to travel to Meeker, CO and then just north of Meeker take CR8 east towards the signs pointing to Buford and Trappers Lake. Alternatively, one can reach this area by driving over Dunkley and Ripple Creek Passes from either the towns Yampa or Oak Creek. This route involves driving on graded dirt roads, with some washboard, but the views are ridiculous.
Once on County Road 8, numerous trailheads lead towards Big Marvine Peak. These trails include Big Fish Creek, East Marvine Creek, Marvine Creek and others. Most these routes will require at least 20 miles round-trip to climb the peak, so prepare for a long day, or better yet, bring a sleeping bag and spend a night on the high plateau that makes up the Flat Tops. Summit in the morning and you'll be back at the car by dinner time.
The best route in is probably from Marvine Creek, past Marvine Lakes and up to the plateau. A nice loop hike can be made by connecting this trail with the East Marvine Trail, beginning and ending at the Marvine Campground.
Red Tape
No permits are required, however registering at the trailhead is recommended. This peak is located within the Flat Tops Wilderness Area and Wilderness Ethics apply.
Primitive camping options abound in the Flat Tops Wilderness. Travelers must follow Leave No Trace etiquette and all Wilderness Regulations. For more info go to: http://www.fs.fed.us/r2/whiteriver/recreation/wilderness/flattops/index.shtml
Special Orders/Regulations:
"The following acts are prohibited on National Forest System land within the Flat Tops Wilderness."
1. Entering or being in the area with more than 15 people per group, and a maximum combination of 25 people and pack or saddle animals in any one group is prohibited.
2. There is no permit system in place in the Flat Tops Wilderness but we do ask that visitors sign in on provided trailhead registration forms.
3. Camping within one hundred feet of any lake, stream or trail, or any “No Camping” or “Wilderness Restoration Site” sign or within ¼ mile of Trappers, Hooper, Keener or Smith Lakes is prohibited.
4. Building, maintaining, attending or using a campfire within one hundred feet of any lake, stream, or trail or within ¼ miles of Trappers, Hooper, Keener or Smith Lakes is prohibited.
5. Storing equipment or personal property or supplies for longer than 10 days is prohibited.
6. Hitching, tethering or hobbling any pack or saddle animal within one hundred feet of any lake, stream or trail is prohibited.
7. Possessing any pack or saddle animal within ¼ mile of Trappers Lake except for watering or through travel is prohibited.
8. Possessing a dog or other animal that is harassing wildlife or people or damaging property is prohibited. There is no leash law in the Flat Tops, however dogs must be kept under verbal control at all times.
9. Possessing or using a wagon, cart or other vehicle including a wheelbarrow or game cart is prohibited.
10. Shortcutting a switchback in a trail is prohibited.
There are numerous developed campgrounds on the west side of the Flat Tops outside Meeker and Buford. The most popular include Trappers Lake and South Fork White River. These campgrounds can be exceptionally crowded during hunting season, so best to plan ahead.
Primitive camping options abound.
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