General information
The Popradské Pleso Mountain Hotel is located in a picturesque surroundings of the Mengusovská Valley in the High Tatras, on the banks of Popradské Pleso (pleso = a glacier lake), not far from Štrbské Pleso, at an elevation of 1 500 a.s.l.
Climbing in Popradske Pleso area Route to the Popradske Pleso
To get into lowest part of Mengusovska Valley on parking and train stop, you can use car (from "Route of freedom" turn on marked bend 1 km before Strbske Pleso), or Mountain Train "Elektricka". Next by route number 2.
Two usually uses routes to Mountain Hotel Popradske Pleso:
1. Red trail, from Szczyrbskie Pleso Time :
1:15 h, ↓ 1:05 h
2. Blue trail, from Train Stop "Popradske Pleso" up to the Mieguszowiecka Valley
1 h, ↓ 35 min
There is also a intresting
cycling trial to Popraske PlesoAccomodation
Type of | Price(Euro) | Beds |
How many this kind of rooms |
tourist | 15 | 7 | 12 |
hotel B | 17 | 1 | 2 |
hotel A | 16 | 3 | 4 |
standard | 26 | 2 | 3 |
superior | 28 | 2 | 4 |
More information about room standart on a official website.
In my opinion this is one for the most confortable Mountain Hotel in Tatra Mountains, beautyful situated, with nice atmosphere. It is a woderful place.
Symbolic Cintorin
A memorial of victims of the High Tatras mountains Symbolický cintorín is located under Osterva's face. Cmentary was created in 1940 by R. Vosyky project. Vosyky was a Slovakian architect from Poprad
Yellow trail - Time :
15 min from Popradske Pleso.Links and contact
Mountain Hotel Popradske Pleso
Horský hotel Popradské Pleso
P.O.Box 12
059 85 Štrbské Pleso
skype : popradskepleso
Telephone reception : +421 908 761403, 910 948160
Tourist season
It is remarkable that tourists footpaths are closed from 1 of Nov to 15 of Jun in Slovakian Tatras according to TANAP rules.
To climbing in almost all places in Tatra Mountains, you should have mountain club member card.
Official TANAP site - more informations about Tatra Mountains principles. Region map