Beal Stinger III


Beal Stinger III
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Beal Stinger III
Manufacturer Beal
Page By tommi
Page Type Jan 21, 2007 / Jan 21, 2007
Object ID 1816
Hits 18789

Product Description

Single Rope 9,4mm.
Designed for high-level climbers, this is the single rope preferred for very hard routes.

• An incredible number of falls for its weight and so smooth running that it results in an appreciable increase in energy when clipping.

USES : High grade climbers

This rope requires modified belaying technique.
It also has lower abrasion resistance than ropes of greater diameter.
Be careful when using a Gri-Gri.

Length 50, 60 or 70 meters without or with a coating finish.


• Single rope - UIAA - CE
• Number of bobbins 40
• Weight per metter 59 g
• Impact force Laboratory 7.60-7.80 kN
• Impact force BEAL Guaranty 8.20 kN
• Number of UIAA Falls Laboratory 8-9
• Number of UIAA Falls BEAL Guaranty 7
• Sheath slippage 0 mm
• Extension during the first fall 37 %
• Static elongation 9,5 %

Available in salmon or blue and standard coating or the golden dry coating in orange or blue.



Viewing: 1-6 of 6

tommi - Jan 21, 2007 2:13 pm - Voted 5/5

Very light
A very fast and light rope, use it for sport and alpine climbing and also for winter mountaineerig.

Steve Larson - Jan 22, 2007 5:49 am - Voted 5/5

Light, handles well
This has been my main rope for trad and alpine routes the last two years. It handles well, is light and clips easy. So far, the dry treatment has held up. I got the 70m, which has come in very handy on occasion.

ibndalight - Feb 11, 2007 11:43 pm - Voted 5/5

A Very Light Rope
The Beal Stinger III is very light rope. I have used it on many climbs and have been very satisfied with it. The dry treatment seems to last. I highly recommend this rope.

MountaingirlBC - May 7, 2007 2:34 pm - Voted 5/5

Feels great
Love this rope... I have the 60m and have used it for sport, trad and alpine climbing as well as glacier travel and I'm still here :) I picked it for its dry treatment, weight and handling which is fantastic right out of the bag. When belaying bigger people I use a bigger rope but most of my climbing partners are within about 50lbs of me so the Stinger is usually fine.

mmcguigan - Jun 13, 2008 1:24 pm - Hasn't voted

Super Light and Smooth
This is a great rope. I bought it for alpine climbing but have used it for sport and trad climbing as well. But watch out. This rope can scream through a trad belay device. Make sure your belayer has used this rope before or take a test fall so he or she can get the feel of this great rope before the real thing occurs or you may come down a lot faster than expected.

Rick Huff - Aug 26, 2008 5:27 pm - Hasn't voted

Great alpine rope
I love this rope! It is light and supple. I have the 60 meter version and have used it on alpine rock and glacier climbs with no complaints. My partners often coment on how nice it handles. It saved my friend Shawn's life when he fell on South Early Winters Spire. I give it 5/5

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