Revelation 9.2 70m


Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Revelation 9.2 70m
Manufacturer Mammut
Page By tymelero
Page Type Sep 7, 2004 / Sep 7, 2004
Object ID 1117
Hits 7444
This is as light as it gets! Mammut has extended the range of their high end Challenge Line with the addition of the feather weight REVELATION - at only 55 grams per meter! Lighter weight and compact construction means less drag to hold you back whether pulling down at the sport crag or hustling up a route in the mountains. Get spoiled by Mammut's Teflon Coating Finish which enhances cut resistance, increases smooth handling and also contributes to reduced moisture absorption - in addition to Mammut's legendary Superdry treatment. A further benefit and one you will appreciate and depend on is the TrioSafe marking - applied 5 meters from each end and also at the mid point - to help avoid rappelling and lowering incidents and also remind you know when it's time to stop and belay.


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Martin Cash - Jan 20, 2005 6:47 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
I decided to get a lightweight 70 meter single rope last year to supplement my twin 60s for alpine ice and rock climbing. Well, I decided to spring for a top of the line Mammut product, and I'm not regretting it. A truly excellent rope, in more ways than I am capable of describing. I've had 2 different people at Vantage come up to me and ask to feel my rope. Weird.

For alpine rock, that has a mix of harder and easier sections, it sure is nice to string a long section together and link pitches. On really hard sustained climbs, a 50 meter might be better, because you would have to carry so much more pro. I've discovered some areas, like the Pearly Gates in Leavenoworth, where you can't toprope any of the routes, or rappel with a 60. Sure is nice to have the extra length sometimes.

The rope is very well made and has some nice features like a 5 meter warning stitching on each end, and a sewn in center point. My other cragging rope has neither.

I would highly recommend this rope.

Misha - Sep 26, 2005 6:56 pm - Voted 4/5

Untitled Review
This is a very good rope! I got a 60m one on sale (~$170) and it is worth every dollar. I use it primarily for alpine climbs where weight is a huge factor. It works very well in a rugged terrain. Numerous times it went over rough / sharp edges and so far held up every well. Rappeling on it is bomber and not very slippery with ATC-XP, especially if you use the high-friction side of your belay device. So why not 5 stars? It tangles quite a bit! I tried stretching it a lot on rappels and carefully coiled, but it still manages to get tangles once in a while. This could be a problem with all thin cords, and it is rather annoying.

travisgollaher - Oct 26, 2005 5:32 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
I love this rope. I have used it for alpine climb"s, and even caried it on climb's that I never used it on. It is a supper dry rope ,while climbing in Germany were it never stop's absorbe's very little water.I have had this rope for two season's and it is still going strong.

Bor - Sep 8, 2007 7:31 am - Voted 5/5

Good one!
Good rope. I am using it for quick Winter ascents. I have 50 meters long one. Light, narrow...

96avs01 - Apr 4, 2008 4:24 pm - Voted 5/5

Very Happy
with this rope. Used it for a 3-man team on Denali. Inspection of the sheath upon return showed very little fraying in a rope that was likely stepped on numerous times with crampons. Haven't used it for any rock yet, but will revise if my assessment changes.

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