S1 Avalanche Beacon


S1 Avalanche Beacon
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title S1 Avalanche Beacon
Manufacturer Ortovox
Page By Dow Williams
Page Type Aug 29, 2007 / Aug 29, 2007
Object ID 3819
Hits 4854

Product Description

The Ortovox S1 Avalanche Beacon uses a sensor-driven triple-antenna design to allow extremely fast multiple-burial searches. Instead of numbers and arrows, the S1 Avalanche Beacon shows a digital grid with icons marking where each victim is located. Just turn until the vertical crosshair is on the signal, and walk forward until this Ortovox beacon says you're there. No grid search, no dealing with flux lines. The S1 leads you directly to your friends and even tells you the depth of the burial. Once a signal is found, just mark it with the push of a button and continue to the next until everyone is located. The S1 Avalanche Beacon also includes an inclinometer, thermometer, and compass, making it the all-in-one backcountry package.


Range: 60m Radius
Digital: Yes
Analog: Yes
Battery Type: 3 AAA
Battery Life: [Transmitting] 350hr; [receiving] 20hr
Antenna: Triple antenna with sensor functions
Weight: 8.5oz, 240g (including batteries and harness)
Recommended Use: Avalanche search and rescue
Warranty: 5 Years



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Dow Williams - Aug 29, 2007 12:45 pm - Voted 5/5

switching to this triple antenna technology for the first time....had no idea they had improved beacons this far....my closest "near misses" have involved backcountry skiing...time to ante up I guess....

DoJo - Aug 29, 2007 7:00 pm - Voted 1/5

anyone seen this beacon (+ tested it??) - IMHO Vaporware

Dow Williams - Aug 29, 2007 11:47 pm - Voted 5/5

Re: ?
You dishing on Ortovox? Been in this biz for 25 years, I thought they had quite a bit of credibility. I liked my last two versions. Who is Vaporware? Your boy Flo Köfer is on "board" with these guys.

DoJo - Sep 8, 2007 4:40 pm - Voted 1/5

Re: ?
IMHO the last good beacon by Ortovox was the F1 Focus (I used it till Dec. 2005) - IMHO all newer models are crap (my opinion!!)

regarding the S1 - I am NOT dishing on Ortovox - the S1 was announced for several years (and always rescheduled) thus I assumed it as Vaporware.

DoJo - Dec 4, 2007 4:44 pm - Voted 1/5

Re: ?
the S1 is available now (I worked with it approx. 15 min.)

pros: a fast processor

cons: meaning of symobols/icons unclear/(inconistent)
search mode works only when held horizontally (IMHO quite a challenge on an avalanche)

steste - Oct 24, 2010 4:51 pm - Hasn't voted

Probably not the best now...
...but I'm very happy with it.
Easy to learn how to use it. During the tests the indications seemed to be quite precise (both direction and distance) in case of single buried or many ones.

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