F1 Focus Avalanche Transceiver


F1 Focus Avalanche Transceiver
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title F1 Focus Avalanche Transceiver
Manufacturer Ortovox
Page By Dow Williams
Page Type Dec 19, 2005 / May 3, 2007
Object ID 1541
Hits 7320
WORKING LIFE: transmitting: about 350 hrs; receiving: about 40 hrs
WARRANTY: 5 years

The f1 focus is the most widely sold avalanche transceiver worldwide and is a long-standing favourite with professionals.

The analogue technique of the f1 focus is completed by a visual search indicator. If you put on the f1 with its lightweight one belt system, the device is automatically switched on. There is only one rotary switch for switch-over from transmit to receive mode. Under ideal conditions the f1 can achieve a range of about 80 m. Thus the search path can be shortened and you get faster to the buried person. The number of beeps indicate at the same time if you have to face a multiple burial situation. The visual search indicator shaped in an LED arrow doesn't only show the right way, but also when you have to turn the volume control switch for adjusting the receiver sensibility. In case of several buried persons the volume control switch serves to isolate the signals and to ensure an easy and safe search. If you have several searchers, an earphone is highly recommended. The earphone plug-in is located at the waterproof, shock-resistant and ergonomic casing. In case of a second avalanche you can use the express emergency switch-over from receive to transmit mode. The f1 uses 2 easily available AA batteries.

The waterproof, shock-resistant and ergonomic casing has an earphone connection socket. The f1 surpasses the demands of the European standard 300 718 and is also available as a set with earphone and bag. ORTOVOX recommends regular training to get familiar with the avalanche transceiver. We also strongly recommend that a transceiver must always be accompanied by a shovel and a probe on your tours.



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Dow Williams - Dec 19, 2005 11:00 am - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
I own two, this F1 Focus is lighter than my PiEPS 457 and transmits further. Its oval design also sits against my rib cage better than the rectangle design of the PiEPs. When I looked the price up today, three retailers had it at $230. Probably a hard item to find on sale I would imagine.

DoJo - Jan 27, 2007 1:19 pm - Voted 2/5

The F1 focus was one of the best transmitters in 1998 and the following years.
IMHO nowadays outdated - there are better and more modern transmitters available.

Dow Williams - Jan 28, 2007 3:19 pm - Voted 5/5

Re: outdated
When I posted this review in 2005 this transceiver was not outdated. Your 1998 reference is a little odd, but maybe that was a special memory for you. I agree today they have upgraded the technology on receivers to make them more idiot proof. I suggest and hope anyone reading a review reads the date the review was posted. No different than researching articles or reviews via the internet at large. All gear reviews from SP 1 have been transferred to this new gear format and many of the reviews will be on outdated products.

DoJo - Feb 1, 2007 9:21 pm - Voted 2/5

Re: outdated
Test/compare a F1 Focus with a 3 antenna transmitter (PIEPS DSP) under adverse conditions (multiple burials, some next to each other etc.)
My first beacon was a Ortovox 2F; in 1998 I bought a F1 Focus (at that time the best beacon); in Dec. 2005 I changed to the Pieps DSP. Searching with the Pieps DSP is improved and much faster (especially multiple burials).

tommi - Jan 29, 2007 5:31 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
Used it for a few years, it a good and reliable transmitter.

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