Golden Gate from Wolf RidgeWolf Ridge is a massive grass and chaparral covered hill that rises near the southwest corner of the
Marin Headlands in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. It is defined by Rodeo Lagoon to the south, Gerbode Valley to the east, Tennessee Valley to the north and the Pacific Coast to the west. The summit is a leveled area that supports the remains of old WW 2 bunkers and the like surrounded by an old anchor fence topped with barbed wire.
A 4.5 mile round trip moderate hike starts out by Rodeo Lagoon and circles the hill with a brief diversion to the top and back on down above the coast to the Lagoon again.
There are outstanding views of the Golden Gate Channel and past Ocean Beach in SF as far as
Montara Mountain as well as the Rodeo Lagoon below. To the north
Mt. Tamalpais rules the horizon beyond the headlands.
Getting There
Main Headlands hills from Wolf Ridge From San Francisco:Take Alexander Ave. (the 2nd Marin exit across the Golden Gate Bridge).Stay right on exit ramp to get to Alexander.
Turn left on Bunker Rd. (at the brown visitor center sign).
Drive through the one way tunnel approximately 2.5 miles.
Park on the right next to the buildin across the road from the Lagoon.
From North Bay:Take 101 south through the Waldo Tunnel.
Take the last Sausalito exit right before the Golden Gate Bridge.
Go right at end of exit ramp and pass under 101.
At the stop sign go straight onto Alexander Ave.
Turn left on Bunker Hill Rd. follow the rest of the directions highlighted above.
From the East Bay:Take 580 west to the Richmond/San Rafael Bridge.
Take 2nd exit after the bridge.
go through Larkspur and get on 101 south.
Follow the rest of the directions from the North Bay.
Map of the Headlands with trails.
Click on the link and go to the map and click again.
Miwok Trail start of hike in Gerbode Valley From the trailhead parking take the Miwok Trail which starts out in Gerbode Valley and climbs counterclockwise up to the Wolf Ridge Trail at 1.5 miles. Go left on the Wolf Ridge Trail .7 miles and take a sharp left up the fenced corridor and through the gate with the latch to the summit area.
Continue on back down on the Wolf Ridge Trail which becomes the Coastal Trail and follow it counterclockwise back to the trailhead parking at another 2.3 miles.
Of course you can do the route in reverse but the ocean and Golden Gate views are more enjoyable coming down.
Red Tape
Farallon Islands from the Coastal TrailThere are no access fees for regular daily use for Headlands/GGNRA.
Please observe off limits natural habitat areas.
The Visitor Center is open daily from 9 am to 4:30 except Christmas and Thanksgiving.
When to Climb
Mt. Tam from Wolf Ridge Any time year around. Keep in mind the coastal fog often covers the area in summer limiting the views.
Rodeo Beach at dusk from the Coastal TrailFor camping and other activities
click here.
Current weather and forecast
For current Headlands weather and 5 day forecast
click here.