North End Pillars

Page Type Page Type: Route
Location Lat/Lon: 44.06000°N / 71.17°W
Additional Information Route Type: Ice Climb
Additional Information Time Required: Less than two hours
Additional Information Difficulty: WI 3/4
Sign the Climber's Log


See Cathedral Ledge Main Page.

To approach Thresher, the North End Slab and the North End Pillars go up hill to the cliff at the iron gate 200 yards past the right turn with the info "hut". If there is snow on the road, park on the main road where the plowing ends and hike in. Even then it only takes 15-20min. to get there.

Whe you get to the cliff above the gate from lert to right you'll see:
Thresher - North End Slab - North End Pillars

Route Description

The North End Pillars is a 75' wide ice flow about 30-40' tall. Most start with a short near vertical curtain 8-12' tall. A large low angle ledge lies between the lower and upper flow. Upper flow is near vertical and 12-25'.

Pick any line you want. All can be led or toproped easily. Weekends can be a zoo here.

Essential Gear

2 ice tools
Ice rack or Toprope Rigging

Miscellaneous Info

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