Carpathian Castle Hills

Carpathian Castle Hills

Page Type Page Type: Album
Additional Information Image Type(s): Hiking, Scenery



You are welcome to attach pix of castles/castle ruins on condition that:

1 the structure stands in the Carpathians (or in their foothills)

2 part of the castle hill shows in the photo 

Strečno in early autumn <I>( But my home is my hills! )</I> Now let's have a look


3 the castle was erected before the year 1800

4 You don't mind the following rule: If there are more than one photograph of a given castle available, it is the owners of this page who decide which photo to feature in a medium size

One castle - one picture 

Medieval scenery Spiš, Southern Spiš
Still life Fűzér, Zemplén Mountains
Lietava Castle Hill Lietava, Súľov Mountains
Orava castle Orava, Oravská Magura
Vršatec Castle Hill Vršatec, White Carpathians
Lednica Castle Hill Lednica, White Carpathians
Muranska Planina fall scenery Muráň, Muránska planina
Visegrad castle Visegrád, Visegrád Mountains
Czorsztyn fortress Czorsztyn, Pieniny
Niedzica and Czorsztyn medieval castles Niedzica, Pieniny
Zamek Pieninski ruins Pieniny Castle, Pieniny
Castle Tower in Rytro Rytro, Beskid Sądecki
View from the ruin of Hasznos fort Hasznos, Mátra
Šášov Castle Hill Šášov, Štiavnica Mountains
Castle Revište Revište, Vtáčnik
Ruins of Torna-castle Turňa, Slovenský kras (Slovak Karst)
View from Szanda Szanda, Cserhát Hills
Ruins of Colţ / Kolc castle Colţ/Kolc, foothills of Retezat
Lubovniansky Castle Hill Ľubovňa, Northern Spiš
Ruins of Castle on Kamenicky Hrad Hill Kamenica, Čergov
Strečno Strečno, Malá Fatra
Starý hrad
Starý hrad, Malá Fatra
Sklabina Castle Hill Sklabiňa, Veľká (Great) Fatra
Castle Beckov Beckov, foothills of Považský Inovec
Sirotčí hrad Sirotčí hrad, Pavlovské vrchy (Pálava Hills)
Fagaras CitadelFăgăraș/Fogarasi Castle, N foot of the Făgăraș
Ruins of Şoimoş/Solymos castle Şoimoş/Solymos Castle near Lipova, Zaránd Mountains
Szentgyorgy fortress near... Szentgyörgy Castle, Trascău Mountains
Castle Kamieniec Kamieniec, Pogórze Dynowskie (Dynów Hills)
Boldogkő castle Boldogkő, Zemplén Hills
Hollókő castle Hollókő, Cserhát Hills
Blatnica Castle Blatnica, Veľká (Great) Fatra
Hričov Castle Hričov, Súľov Mountains
Súlov Castle (660 m) Súlov, Súľov Mountains
Castle Halič/Gács Halič, Revúca Upland
The ruins of Šariš Castle Šariš, Šariš Hills
Kapusany Castle at hill - Straź Kapušany, Šariš
View of Markaz from the ruins of the castle Markaz, Mátra
Castle Regéc Regéc, Zemplén Hills
The very North-West end of the  Carpathians, at Devin Devín, Malé Karpaty (Little Carpathians)
Castle Heimoburg Heimoburg, Hundsheimer (Hainburger) Berge
Ruins of Dívčí Hrad Děvín (Dívčí hrad) hrad, Pavlovské vrchy (Pálava Hills)
Scenery with cliff and castle Csókakő, Transdanubian Hills (just outside the Carpathians)
Likava castle Likava, Chočské Mountains
Slovenska Lupca castle hill Slovenská Ľupča, Horehronské podolie
Bran castle Bran, Southern Carpathians
Râşnov Fortress Râşnov, Southern Carpathians
Ruins of the Balvanyos Castle
Balvanyos Castle, Bodoc Mts



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Viewing: 1-9 of 9

visentin - Mar 27, 2009 8:21 am - Voted 6/10


an album for wooden castles ? :)


yatsek - Mar 27, 2009 8:33 am - Hasn't voted

Re: and

That I leave up to you :-) I'm afraid wooden 'castles' have been growing like mushrooms at the foot of the mts :-( in villages such as Ziar in recent years. What's more, these days even some Galls can be (planning on) building another one:)


lcarreau - Mar 29, 2009 11:36 am - Voted 10/10

Re: "The Galls?"

Now, I need to reopen my history book. Who are/were the Galls?
Where did they actually originate from? Do they like to climb


yatsek - Mar 29, 2009 2:17 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Gallic

Sacrebleu! No doubt my English is limited, no wonder I often sound like I'm speaking in French, or Latin, or something like that. The only other alternative could be my subconscious just meant those annoying Gauls :-) Anyway, I was referring to some roving Gallic – by no means to Native American – warriors:)) No need to resort to a history book, Larry.


lcarreau - Mar 29, 2009 9:59 pm - Voted 10/10

Re: Gallic

What, I don't get to reopen my dusty history book with yellowing pages?

Interesting ... I didn't know of the connection between Gauls and

Instead of all the "aggressive activity," those folks COULD have
been out there making conquests of lofty peaks. Guess I'll never
understand what all the fighting was for back then ... ):

Konrad Sus

Konrad Sus - Apr 3, 2009 1:24 pm - Hasn't voted


Very nice idea!


yatsek - Apr 3, 2009 3:41 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: !!!!

I'm glad you like it, appreciate your pix and hope you'll contribute to this album again in future. But the general idea had been here before:)


visentin - Apr 8, 2009 7:58 am - Voted 6/10



yatsek - Apr 8, 2009 8:24 am - Hasn't voted

Re: related

Thanks (I wasn't aware of the existence of the non-Polish one) - attached.

Viewing: 1-9 of 9