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Viewing: 1-14 of 14
Josh Josh
Score: 71.06% Views: 5992

Arizona, United States, North America

1680 miles away

Route Type: Technical Rock Climb
Difficulty: 5.7
Rock Difficulty: 5.7 (YDS)
Parents: Elephant Dome Pages Up for Adoption
Orphanage Orphanage
Score: 73.06% Views: 14940

Arizona, United States, North America

1691 miles away

Route Type: Technical Rock Climb
Difficulty: 5.6
Parents: Pages Up for Adoption Baboquivari Peak
Josh Josh
Score: 71.06% Views: 12342

Arizona, United States, North America

1691 miles away

Route Type: Technical Rock Climb
Difficulty: 5.8 R
Parents: Pages Up for Adoption Baboquivari Peak
Josh Josh
Score: 77.48% Views: 11797

Nevada, United States, North America

1779 miles away

Route Type: Technical Rock Climb
Difficulty: 5.9-
Parents: Lower Solar Slab, 5.7-5.9+ Pages Up for Adoption Rainbow Mountain
Orphanage Orphanage
Score: 77.48% Views: 18796

Peru, South America

3401 miles away

Route Type: 45-55 degrees snow/ice
Difficulty: D+
Parents: Pages Up for Adoption Artesonraju
Orphanage Orphanage
Score: 76.22% Views: 19193

Haute Savoie (Mont Blanc), France, Europe

4322 miles away

Route Type: 50 degree Snow/Ice
Difficulty: D-, 670m, 5~7h (D+, Scottish 3. for left hand exit, 800m 8~9h)
Parents: Pages Up for Adoption Mont Blanc du Tacul
Orphanage Orphanage
Score: 74.36% Views: 14705

France, Europe

4324 miles away

Route Type: Extreme Rock & Ice Climb
Difficulty: ED
Parents: Les Droites Pages Up for Adoption
Orphanage Orphanage
Score: 0% Views: 11190

France, Europe

4324 miles away

Route Type: Extreme mixed climb
Difficulty: ED1
Parents: Les Droites Pages Up for Adoption
Orphanage Orphanage
Score: 72.08% Views: 9286

France, Europe

4324 miles away

Route Type: Mixed Rock & Ice
Difficulty: AD
Parents: Les Droites Pages Up for Adoption
Orphanage Orphanage
Score: 0% Views: 6187

Bernese Oberland, Switzerland, Europe

4336 miles away

Route Type: Moderate Ice-Climb
Difficulty: ???TD-
Parents: Doldenhorn Pages Up for Adoption
Orphanage Orphanage
Score: 0% Views: 5785

Berner Oberland, Switzerland, Europe

4344 miles away

Route Type: Ice Climb
Difficulty: TD- (Avg. 55 deg ice)
Parents: Äbeni Flue Pages Up for Adoption
Orphanage Orphanage
Score: 71.06% Views: 9276

Berner Oberland, Switzerland, Europe

4346 miles away

Route Type: Hard-Snow / Ice Climb
Difficulty: @@@ ~45deg ice (up to 70deg max)
Parents: Aletschhorn Pages Up for Adoption
Orphanage Orphanage
Score: 71.5% Views: 8699

Berner Oberland, Switzerland, Europe

4346 miles away

Route Type: Snow/Ice Climb, can be done with skis
Difficulty: PD, climbing 1-2
Parents: Aletschhorn Pages Up for Adoption
Orphanage Orphanage
Score: 71.06% Views: 5070

Berner Oberland, Switzerland, Europe

Route Type: NorthFace Ice Climb
Difficulty: Ice 45-55Deg
Parents: Pages Up for Adoption
Viewing: 1-14 of 14