Page Type Page Type: Mountain/Rock
Location Lat/Lon: 42.34280°N / 8.87710°E
Additional Information Elevation: 8284 ft / 2525 m
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Panorama taken from Col de...Monte Cinto Ridge seen from Col de Stazzona

Paglia Orba is generally claimed to be the most beautiful mountain of Corsica. It is also one of the highest mountains of the island (actually the fourth highest) with an altitude of 2525m. It commands very nice views of neighboring Punta Minuta (2556m) and Monte Cinto (2706m). Unlike most mountains on Corsica Paglia Orba is made of conglomerate rock dating back to the Permian time.  The main attraction of the ascent however is the proximity to Capu Tafonatu (2343m) just on the other side of the Col de Maures with ist huge (30m x 12m) hole.

Getting There

The climb starts from the Col de Vergio on Road D84. The Col can be reached by car from Porto on the western coast or from Bastia or Corte on the eastern part of the island.

From Bastia and Corte take RN 193 and at Francardo turn into the Golo valley using D84. The first part of the drive takes you through the magnificent Scala di Sta Regina, a beautiful gorge that invites climbers. The road follows the Golo river and in the climbs in a lot of wide turns towards Col de Vergio.

From Ajaccio take the coastal highway D81. It is not very far but the highway winds around and over a lot of bays and passes. Shortly before Porto you have to go through the Calenche. The road is VERY narrow, and since the Calenche is a major tourist attraction lots of coaches use it. So it can take up to an hour to drive the 5km between Piana and Porto! From Porto get on D84 which leads you to Col de Vergio.

Red Tape

No parking passes or permits required.

When To Climb

April through October. Winter must be very tricky. You won't be able to get to the trailhead at Col de Vergio most of the time. It is often closed in winter.


A campground can be found in the Golo valley near Lozzi (actually the starting point for the ascent to Monte Cinto) some 35km to the east. For overnight accommodation you can use the Ciottulu di i Mori, but bring your own stuff. The bivouac lies on the main trecking path GR20, so in summer you should be prepared to meet lots of treckers up there.

Mountain Conditions

For Weather information for Corsica lookup the Meteo Corse page

Maps'n' Books

As for Maps I used only a road map scale 1:200000 since the guidebook I used has maps and is really excellent.

The book is:
Corsica (Corse / Korsika)
Klaus Wolfsperger, Tom Krupp
Rother Verlag
ISBN: 3-7633-4819-0 (English)
ISBN: 3-7633-4907-3 (French)
ISBN: 3-7633-4280-X (German)

External Links

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Flachlandtiroler - Oct 28, 2016 3:13 am - Hasn't voted


Paglia Orba und auch der Capu Tafunatu sind aus Konglomeratgestein: Dieses rote, klein-kantige Zeugs mit den vielen Einsprenkelungen unterscheidet sich wirklich erheblich von Granit.

Gangolf Haub

Gangolf Haub - Oct 28, 2016 9:02 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Granit?!

Hmmm - hätte gewettet, dass ich mir das nicht ausgedacht habe sondern aus irgendweinem Führer gelernt habe. Und dann ist's 15 Jahre her, dass ich das letzte Mal den Fels angefasst habe und ich erinnere mich nicht mehr genau. Hatte aber immer Granit im Hinterkopf, weil der auf Korsika ja eigentlich überall dominiert. Ich forsche mal ein bisschen...

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