US National Monuments

US National Monuments

United States, North America
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US National Monuments

Devils Postpile  
Orange Poppy Patch  

There are 120 areas known as National Monuments in the United States. These are areas that the President set aside for special protections, a right given to the President under the Antiquities Act of 1906. Many National Parks started off as National Monuments. Most of these areas are managed by the National Park Service, but some are managed by the US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, US Fish & Wildlife Service, and even the Armed Forces Retirement Home and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have a hand in managing one monument each. Many National Monuments are co-managed by two or more agencies.

The first National Monument was Devil's Tower in the state of Wyoming. It was established by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1906. President Barack Obama has created or expanded 22 national monuments, the most of any president, with over 2 million acres of public land protected. Bill Clinton was next up with 19, followed by Jimmy Carter who designated 15. Most of these areas were already federal land - the National Monument designation just brings additional special protections to the area.

Pinnacles National Monument
Sipapu Bridge  
Many National Monuments are areas of natural importance. There are also some that protect Native American and historical sites. Arizona has the most National Monuments, followed by California. Here is the list of National Monuments, many of which have a SummitPost page dedicated to them.
Admiralty IslandAK
African Burial GroundNY
Agate Fossil BedsNE
Agua FriaAZ
Alibates Flint QuarriesTX
Aztec RuinsNM
Basin and RangeNV
Berryessa Snow MountainCA
Booker T. WashingtonVA
Browns CanyonCO
Buck Island ReefVI
California CoastalCA
Canyon de ChellyAZ
Canyons of the AncientsCO
Cape KrusensternAK
Capulin VolcanoNM
Carrizo PlainCA
Casa Grande RuinsAZ
Castillo de San MarcosFL
Castle ClintonNY
Castle MountainsCA
Cedar BreaksUT
César E. ChávezCA
Charles Young Buffalo SoldiersOH
Chimney RockCO
Craters of the MoonID
Devils PostpileCA
Devils TowerWY
Effigy MoundsIO
El MalpaisNM
El MorroNM
Florissant Fossil BedsCO
Fort FredericaGA
Fort MatanzasFL
Fort McHenryMD
Fort MonroeVA
Fort MoultrieSC
Fort OrdCA
Fort PulaskiGA
Fort StanwixNY
Fort SumterSC
Fort UnionNM
Fossil ButteWY
George Washington BirthplaceVA
George Washington CarverMO
Giant SequoiaCA
Gila Cliff DwellingsNM
Governors IslandNY
Grand Canyon-ParashantAZ
Grand PortageMN
Grand Staircase-EscalanteUT
Hagerman Fossil BedsID
Hanford ReachWA
Harriet Tubman Underground RailroadMD
Hohokam PinaAZ
Ironwood ForestAZ
Jewel CaveSD
John Day Fossil BedsOR
Kasha-Katuwe Tent RocksNM
Lava BedsCA
Little Bighorn BattlefieldMT
Marianas TrenchAK
Military Working Dog TeamsTX
Misty FjordsAK
Mojave TrailsCA
Montezuma CastleAZ
Mount Saint HelensWA
Muir WoodsCA
Natural BridgesUT
Oregon CavesOR
Organ Pipe CactusAZ
Organ Mountains-Desert PeaksNM
Pacific Remote IslandsPacific
Pipe SpringAZ
Pompeys PillarMT
Poverty PointLA
Prehistoric TrackwaysNM
President Lincoln at Soldiers' HomeDC
Rainbow BridgeUT
Rio Grande del NorteNM
Rose AtollAS
Russell CaveAL
Salinas Pueblo MissionsNM
San Gabriel MountainsCA
San Juan IslandsWA
Sand to SnowCA
Santa Rosa and San Jacinto MountainsCA
Scotts BluffNE
Sonoran DesertAZ
Statue of LibertyNY/NJ
Sunset Crater VolcanoAZ
Timpanogos CaveUT
Tule Spring Fossil BedsNV
Upper Missouri River BreaksMT
Vermilion CliffsAZ
Virgin Islands Coral ReefVI
Waco MammothTX
Walnut CanyonAZ
World War II Valor in the PacificHI/AZ/CA
Yucca HouseNM

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Viewing: 1-6 of 6

mtybumpo - Apr 18, 2010 9:09 pm - Voted 10/10

Craters of the Moon

I attached the page I made for Craters of the Moon to your page.

Sarah Simon

Sarah Simon - Apr 19, 2010 1:23 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Craters of the Moon

Sweet - thanks, mtybumpo. -Sarah

Mark Doiron

Mark Doiron - Jan 12, 2013 4:18 pm - Voted 10/10

Pinnacles National Park

I've added Pinnacles National Park to national park list.


tarol - Jan 14, 2013 1:48 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Pinnacles National Park

thanks, removed it from this page


GMJ - Apr 12, 2020 8:44 am - Hasn't voted

White Sands National Park

White Sands is now also a national park.


tarol - Apr 13, 2020 12:54 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: White Sands National Park

Thanks, I removed it from the NM page

Viewing: 1-6 of 6