Hamlin Peak is essentially a spur of the main Katahdin massif. It does rise a few hundred feet from the tableland making it stand out on its own. The dramatic north and south sides of this mountain are formed by the massive North Basin and the Saddle Basin respectively. The summit may be easily accessed by either the saddle trail from chimney pond or from Hamlin ridge which starts .2 miles down the basin trail from chimney pond. Both trails are exposed for the last mile to the summit but the ridge offers amazing views into both basins revealing the South Basin Headwall and the mighty Taber Wall in the North Basin as you climb higher.
Climbing routes to hamlin peak may be found rising from the North Basin. These include Elbow Gully WI2 III (1800'), Black Fly WI4/4+ IV(1800') which breeches the wall left of the main Taber Wall and the North Face of Hamlin peak WI2+ III (1800'). The north face is a beautiful snow and ice gully which tops out within 20' of the summit cairn and makes a great alternative to the south basin routes.
Gullies on the south face of Hamlin are made dangerous by the large cornice that forms above the face by mid winter. Beware of avalanches in this terrain.
Getting There
From Millinocket ME, Head to Baxter State Park. Take the road to Roaring Brook. From there, hike the trail 3.3 miles to chimney pond and choose your route from there.
In the winter one must ski 15 miles from abol bridge along the park perimeter road and up the trail to chimney pond. Plan on at least 4 days to give yourself a weather window for summiting.
Red Tape
In the winter you must apply for and recieve permits to travel in this area from the park authority. Rangers at chimney pond will check your equipment before allowing you to go above treeline. Parties of 4 are required for any trip above treeline.
In the summer, Hamlin can be climbed in a day from Roaring brook, but arrive early to be sure you can get in the gate.
When To Climb
Park is open in the summer typically from Late May to Early October.
Winter season is from December through March.
Typical New England weather would find rain in May/June good clear weather from July through September, however things always vary. In the winter, January and Febraury are typically painfully cold. March will be warmer, but there is always a possibility for rain or sleet by that time of year.
Camping is only allowed at Chimney pond and Roaring Brook. Reserve well in advance. The cabin at Chimney pond and the cabin at Roaring Brook may be reserved in the winter , but again, reserve well in advance. See the Katahdin page for further information.
Mountain Conditions
See information on Katahdin