

Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Self-Rescue
Manufacturer David J. Fasulo
Page By lisae
Page Type Feb 4, 2007 / Feb 4, 2007
Object ID 2520
Hits 4952

Product Description

This book describes self-rescue skills that any technical climber should know. In the introduction, the author talks briefly about why he became interested in self-rescue and the most important self-rescue skill - the ability to prevent the need for a rescue. In the following chapters, the reader is introduced to self rescue tools, anchoring systems and knots, before being introduced to escaping the belay. Subsequent chapters discus rappelling and ascending systems, passing knots and before discussing the scenarios of rescuing a leader or second. There are also discussions of of pulley systems and aid climbing.

All material in the book is clearly illustrated, with drawings by Mike Clelland.

Publisher:Faclon Press Publishing Co, Inc.
Price: $12.95
Pub. Date: 1996
Edition: First edition
Binding: Paperback
Page Count: 112
ISBN: 0-934641-97-8



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lisae - Feb 5, 2007 12:01 am - Voted 5/5

An Important Book
Once, before a partner started a lead, I asked him what he had in his backpack. He started ticking the items off, "my jacket, some water, some food . . . oh, and the self-rescue book." We laughed, but "oh, and the self-rescue book" has become a running joke.

Seriously, I think a familiarity with self rescue systems is important for anyone technical climber. This book presents the systems in a clear and understandable way. I found that practicing self-rescue skills increased by confidence and rope handling skills. I don't practice enough that the skills are second nature, I've still used information presented in this book in real situations and consider it invaluable.

Brian C - Aug 6, 2013 12:04 am - Voted 4/5

This book is packed with crucial information, but some of the complex systems can be a bit hard to decipher. Every climber should know these skills.

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