Mini Traxion Pulley


Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Mini Traxion Pulley
Manufacturer Petzl
Page By travisgollaher
Page Type Jan 7, 2006 / Jan 7, 2006
Object ID 1570
Hits 6401
The all-in-one pulley, rope clamp. A great tool to back up a belay, use on a Tyrolean traverse, or hauling haul bags. For use on ropes 8 to 13 mm. CE and UIAA certified.

Only 165 grams.


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travisgollaher - Jan 7, 2006 9:57 am - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
I prefer this pulley in almost all sitiuations I love the locking ability and the good construction.this is the pulley that I use for all of my alpine adventures and will use for all of the adventures to come.

el guano - Jan 22, 2006 11:38 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
This product is top notch. Ive used the mini for solo top rope protection, assisting seconds, ascending rope's, and holding up my friend's '75 Delta 88 ragtop while fixing all the loose bolts and bent support bars. the device is easy to use, very solidly built, and very versatile as you can see. The mini traxion's pulley does'nt roll all that smoothly when under weight when used by itself (ie tyroleans), but will suffice in a pinch. The cam has a large surface area, and has'nt torn up any of my rope sheaths yet, and probably wont. I have yet to take a high fall factor fall with it. Over all this piece of hardwear gives me great peace of mind when it is on my harness.

stepho - Jan 31, 2009 11:40 am - Voted 5/5

Very Useful
I use this pulley as an ascender and as a zip-line pulley. It is very high quality and very well made. The only downside is the price tag.

ATB - Feb 1, 2009 5:40 am - Hasn't voted

Untitled Review
Super useful and loads of functions. Like most Petzl things i think it's unnecessarily expensive and the grab teeth are so vicious i don't think i'd want to use it on anything apart from staic Lanex. I have used better but for all round functionality it has to get a thumbs up.

Ken Dammen - May 27, 2012 1:38 pm - Voted 5/5

Great Piece of Gear
Quick and easy to use. Pair it with a small pulley and Tibloc and you have a great 3-1 haul system. Create a 3-1 ascender as well. 5 stars.

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