

Page Type Gear Review
Object Title M10
Manufacturer Charlet Moser
Page By mconnell
Page Type Mar 28, 2002 / Mar 28, 2002
Object ID 197
Hits 11830
Very adjustable technical crampons. They come with both mono and dual points. Mono points can be configured either symmetrical or asymmetrical. There are also 2 settings for blade length and 2 settings for blade angle. Additional adjustments allow for setting the position of the crampon on the boot ("advancement").



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mconnell - Mar 28, 2002 2:50 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
The worst problem I have had with these crampons is figuring out where I want everything adjusted. The have worked excellent for both mixed climbing and water ice. I have only used them in assymetric mono-point. Once adjusted correctly they are solid on my boots.

They do ball up very badly due to vertical rails and the fact that the toe and heel pieces are separate which makes a smaller area for the snow to pack in (snow is less likely to fall out). Get the antiballing plates, especially if using them for alpine climbs.

paule - Apr 1, 2003 4:04 pm - Voted 4/5

Untitled Review
These crampons have worked really well for me, in a variety of conditions. If you are looking for one type of crampon that will work well in just about in any application, then these are the crampons for you.

I want to reimphesize Mcconell's remarks about the anti-balling plates! My problem has been finding a shop that actually carries the anti-balling plates. I ended up cutting industrial stair molding to fit and attached to the bottom of them, and it has worked out very well.

These crampons are extremely versatile, yet work just as well in each application as any other crampon I have used that was one-demensional.

noah - Jan 16, 2004 2:46 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
I came to write this review to say use a anti balling plate, the first time i used them (straight after buying them...the shop didn't have the plate) doing a alpine route i was shocked at how much they balled up. But once i got the plate on no problems.

The mini screw driver on the strap comes in handy when you go out in a differrent boot from the time before.

And the points hold there sharpness well.

down side they are a bit heavier that most.

arturf - Feb 28, 2007 8:55 am - Voted 5/5

Realy good crampons!
In my opinion, these are very good crampons. Very comfortable and ergonomic. The design of front points allows to ajust them for any porpose - from classical mountaineering to ice-climbing. It is also great, that You can purchase a new pair of front points when Yours are worn out. Single-point assymetric setup is great for technical ice-climbing and dry-tooling. You can also make single-point symetric setup, but my opinion is that assymetric is much more ergonomic in this case. Classical dual-point symetric is good for mountaineering. It is also possible to make a dual-point assymetric setup, but I haven't tried it out yet.

Yes, there are some: (but they are in marketing, not crampon design)
- such major accessories for mountaineering, as antisnow and toe bail strap are optional and cost pretty good
- crampons are supplied only with M linking bar, so if You have bigger boots (it happened with one of my friends), You'll have to purchase L-bars in addition - no possibility to choose between M and L while ordering, so You'll own Your M bars without any need.

But, as I've said, crampons themslves are very good and defenetly have my 5/5

steste - Jan 20, 2009 3:51 am - Hasn't voted

Used for water icefall climbing
...and I was satisfied. Found them not that complicate to adjust but this may be a lucky case ( usually I have problems adjusting gear ;-))
As said before, if you have to make even a very short approach on snow, the anti balling plates are mandatory

climbxclimb - Feb 12, 2010 3:21 pm - Voted 4/5

Good crampons
These are good technical crampons, they are not meant for alpine climbing or long walks in fact they are quite heavy...
But as pure waterfall or mixed climbing crampons are very good.
I used them with the monopoint set up and they climb pretty well although the penetration of the front point in ice is not the best of the market..
As said above the anti balling plate is mandatory with these crampons, but the system is pretty antiquated and not clean cut.
The rubber of the anti balling plates tend to break and falls apart after a while.

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