Page Type Page Type: Mountain/Rock
Location Lat/Lon: 45.76490°N / 6.94750°E
Additional Information Elevation: 8979 ft / 2737 m
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The Mont Crammont is an imposing mountain above Pré Saint Didier, a small town close to Courmayeur. To walk up to the summit there is only one route, the others are for climbers. The view from the top is magnificent, on the whole Monte Bianco Group; the summit is situated between the La Thuile Valley and the Central Valley, and there are only a few tops in the Aosta Valley, with such a wide view . Once on the top there was a refuge; now only a few stones show were it was. The Crammont was walked up for the first time from the scientist De Saussure, in the year 1774.

First Ascents

  • First ascent on the summit from Elévaz normal route: De Saussure, 1774.
  • North Side: G. Dumontel, M. Levi and U. Malvano, Aug. 18th, 1903.
  • East Gully: A. Pelloux and L. Mussillon, May. 15th, 1892.
  • In winter: Unknown.

Getting There

From Switzerland take the Gd. St. Bernhard Tunnel to get to Aosta. From France, Mont Bianco tunnel Motorway A5 Torino Aosta, coming either from Torino or from the Gd. St. Bernhard tunnel and exit Morgex. After turn left, direction Coumayeur, and in Pré Saint Didier follow the route to La Thuile-Piccolo San Bernardo. Pré Saint Didier is a nice small town, in summer full of flowers; after a couple of kilometers the view toward the Mont Bianco is very nice. Follow the road till the first group of houses after the gallery; the place is named Elevaz; on your right there is a small road that brings to Torrent; here you can park: afterwards, despite the road is asphalted for a few kilometers, the access is forbidden.

Red Tape

No restrictions or permits required.

When To Climb

The best period is from June to September; of course it depends on the season; sometimes even in October November. Ski mountaneering: ask locally, it is very very steep, and dangerous in case of fresh snow.

Mont Crammont
Mont Crammont
Mont Crammont
Mont Crammont
Mont Crammont


This route can be considered E.

L'itinerario è classificato E.


Normal hiking gear.

Da escursionismo.


I camp with some friend of mine's exactly on the top, to view the sunrise on the Mont Bianco; we walked up night time in a night of full moon, and it was a really exciting experience; the light of the moon was enough to walk up even without a torch.

Mountain Conditions

  • You can get meteo information at the official site of the Regione Valle d'Aosta:
  • Valle d'Aosta Meteo


  • WEBCAM on Aosta Valley:
  • Webcam

Books and Maps


  • "Guida delle Alpi Occidentali", di Giovanni Bobba e Luigi Vaccarone C.A.I. Sezione di Torino Volume II (parte II), 25 Maggio 1896.
  • "Guida dei Monti d'Italia - Alpi Graie Centrali" di Alessandro Giorgetta, Club Alpino Italiano/Touring Club Italiano, 1985.
  • "La Thuile e dintorni" di Giuseppe Alliod, Ed. G. Alliod (1994).


  • Kompass "Massiccio del Monte Bianco Valle d'Aosta Sentieri e Rifugi" Carta turistica 1:50.000.
  • Kompass "Gran Paradiso Valle d'Aosta Sentieri e Rifugi" Carta turistica 1:50.000.
  • L'Escursionista "La Thuile-Piccolo San Bernardo" Carta dei sentieri (n° 2) 1:25.000.
  • Enrico Editore Ivrea-Aosta "Gruppo del Gran Paradiso" 1:50.000.
  • I.G.C. Istituto Geografico Centrale Torino "Monte Bianco-Courmayeur-Chamonix-La Thuile" (carta n° 107), 1:25.000.
  • I.G.C. Istituto Geografico Centrale Torino "Massiccio del Monte Bianco" (carta n° 4), 1:50.000.
  • A.I.A.T. La Thuile, "La Thuile Pianta dei Sentieri", 2004 (Plastico).
  • Studio F.M.B. Bologna "Monte Bianco-Mont Blanc" 1:50.000.
  • I.G.C. Istituto Geografico Centrale Torino "Il Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso" (carta n° 3) 1:50.000.
  • Comunità Montana Valdigne Mont Blanc, "Les Sentiers" Edizione 2001, 1:50.000.

Important Information

Useful Numbers

  • Protezione Civile Valdostana località Aeroporto n° 7/A Saint Christophe (Ao) Tel. 0165-238222.
  • Bollettino Meteo (weather info) Tel. 0165-44113.
  • Unità Operativa di Soccorso Sanitario Tel. 118.



Children refers to the set of objects that logically fall under a given object. For example, the Aconcagua mountain page is a child of the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits.' The Aconcagua mountain itself has many routes, photos, and trip reports as children.