Iberian Peninsula's Top 100 Prominent Peaks

Iberian Peninsula's Top 100 Prominent Peaks

France/Portugal/Spain, Europe
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Iberian Peninsula

Why Iberian Peninsula and not Spain?

A lot of mountaineers prefer the geographic frontiers and not the political demarcations. A peninsula is a very easy concept and it's natural from a lot of millions of years. The frontiers about countries had been changed in the history and it can change in the future (although it's unlikely between France, Portugal, Andorra and Spain).

Why appear peaks of Portugal and France?

It's evident that Portugal at west is into the Peninsula but it's complicated to explain the reason to include the mountains at North of the Pyrenees. Some people think the limit of the peninsula are the Pyrenees but it's not exact, the limit of a Peninsula is the ithsmus. The ithsmus is the shorter part of the "neck" of the peninsula, and it's not in Pyrenees because it's some km at North into France.

Why Iberian and not Hispanic or Spanish?

Iberia or Hesperia was the name gave for Greek people to this peninsula. Another theory say the name had the origin in Iber, the old name of river Ebro and the Iberus, the people who lived there. The roman people gave the name Hispania to the same place and Hispanic peninsula is a correct denomination but it's less popular because is the origin of the name España (Spain) and it's not the only country of the peninsula nowadays. As curiosity Andorra is the only country of Iberian Peninsula without any mountain in the list.

Why no all the lists have the same peaks and the same order?

It's easy to explain. The first peaks are easier to order because they're very isolated, but the heights are not always the same in the maps in the case of lower peaks and cols to calculate the prominence and they're very close (the different can be of 5 or 6 meters to change a few of positions). Examples: Midi d'Ossau (2,884m) and Collarada (2,883m) are in the same area and if you change the height of last one in only 2m the positions will change in 50 places because higher is the most prominent and you must use the col to calculate the prominence of lower peak.

I chose the list of J.Martínez Hernández of the book "Las 100 cumbres más prominentes de la península ibérica" but another good option is the list of Iberia by Xavier Eguskitza (Bilbao), Parys Lisiecki (Madrid), Eberhard Jurgalski (Germany) and Jonathan de Ferranti (Scotland).

Note: I climbed a few of peaks still without page in SP as Pedró dels Quattre Batlles, Tossa d'Alp, Oiz, Creu de Santos, Castro Valnera, Mampodre, Caimodorro, Javalambre or Ernio. I'll write someday the pages but if you need information about some of these peaks you can write me.


# Mountain Height(Prom.) Province # Mountain Height(Prom.) Province # Mountain Height(Prom.) Province # Mountain Height(Prom.) Province
1 Mulhacén 3479m (3285m) Granada 26 G. Vignemale 3299m (1.027m) France 51 Turbina 1317m (882m) Asturias 76 Maubèrme 2884m (795m) France
2 Aneto 3404m (2812m) Huesca 27 Peñarroya 2028m (1023m) Teruel 52 Vulturó 2651m (873m) Lleida 77 La Tiñosa 1568m (781m) Córdoba
3 Torrecerredo 2650m (1932m) Asturias/León 28 Turbón 2492m (1021m) Huesca 53 C.Valnera 1718m (866m) Burgos/Cantabria 78 G.das Negras 1546m (771m) Portugal
4 Almanzor 2591m (1690m) Ávila 29 Gallina Pelada 2317m (1012m) Barcelona/Lleida 54 Gorbea 1482m (866m) Bizkaia/Araba 79 Jabalcruz 1618m (765m) Jaén
5 Torrecilla 1918m (1466m) Málaga 30 Soularac 2368m (1007m) France 55 Carrascoy 1066m (855m) Murcia 80 Gardunha 1227m (764m) Portugal
6 P. de la Sagra 2381m (1408m) Granada 31 Carlit 2921m (1001m) France 56 Mijas 1150m (849m) Málaga 81 Quatre Batlles 2387m (762m) Lleida
7 Puigmal 2910m (1329m) Girona/France 32 Urbión 2228m (994m) La Rioja/Soria 57 Balaitous 3146m (847m) Huesca/France 82 Midi de Bigorre 2876m (761m) France
8 Mariné 2247m (1323m) Almería 33 Lújar 1878m (983m) Granada 58 Espuña (**) 1583m (842m) Murcia 83 Madrès 2469m (761m) France
9 Moncayo 2314m (1296m) Soria/Zaragoza 34 M.Perdido 3348m (973m) Huesca 59 Anie 2504m (841m) France 84 Umión 1436m (761m) Burgos
10 Pica d'Estats 3142m (1277m) Lleida/France 35 P. Neulós 1257m (972m) Girona/France 60 Montemuro 1381m (834m) Portugal 85 Rocigalgo 1449m (757m) Toledo
11 Maroma 2069m (1234m) Granada/Málaga 36 T.de Guara 2078m (967m) Huesca 61 Lobo 2274m (829m) Guadalajara/Segovia 86 Pedrada 1416m (751m) Portugal
12 Torre (Estrela) 1993m (1204m) Portugal 37 Aitana 1557m (966m) Alicante 62 Colativi 1387m (829m) Almería 87 Tossa d'Alp 2536m (750m) Barcelona/Lleida
13 Cotiella 2912m (1196m) Huesca 38 Villuercas 1595m (956m) Cáceres 63 Carche 1372m (827m) Murcia 88 Ezkaurre 2045m (748m) Navarra/Huesca
14 Santa Bárbara 2269m (1155m) Granada 39 M. de Lechugales 2441m (954m) Asturias/Cantabria 64 Pandera 1870m (825m) Jaén 89 Comaloformo 3089m (746m) Lleida
15 C. de la Ceja 2428m (1154m) Salamanca/Ávila 40 Aitxuri 1551m (943m) Gipuzkoa 65 P.Montañesa 2295m (824m) Huesca 90 Faro 1181m (746m) Lugo/Pontevedra
16 Peña Santa 2596m (1133m) León 41 P.Prieta 2539m (940m) Cantabria 66 Hasteala 1735m (820m) Salamanca 91 Mortillano 1411m (745m) Cantabria
17 Posets 3369m (1128m) Huesca 42 Torreón 1648m (778m) Cádiz 67 Cuchillón 2174m (818m) Cantabria/Palencia 92 Fóia 902m (740m) Portugal
18 Mágina 2164m (1128m) Jaen 43 María 2045m (931m) Almería 68 Intzako Dorrea 1430m (814m) Navarra 93 P.Llerga 2267m (739m) Huesca
19 Turó de L'Home 1706m (1121m) Barcelona 44 Bacanère 2193m (898m) Lleida/France 69 P.Cruz-Mampodre 2192m (808m) León 94 Anboto 1331m (734m) Bizkaia
20 San Lorenzo 2271m (1120m) La Rioja 45 Beriain 1493m (897m) Navarra 70 Manzaneda 1781m (806m) Ourense 95 Serrota 2292m (733m) Ávila
21 Ubiña / Fontán S (*) 2414m (1118m) Asturias/León 46 Cornón 2047m (894m) Cantabria 71 Caimodoro 1936m (801m) Teruel 96 Montsec 1676m (733m) Lleida
22 Peñalara 2428m (1112m) Madrid/Segovia 47 A. Cañada 2157m (893m) León 72 Collarada 2883m (800m) Huesca 97 Peña Cruz 2027m (728m) Granada
23 Midi d'Ossau 2884m (1090m) France 48 Oroel 1770m (893m) Huesca 73 C.Cabezo 2191m (800m) Ávila 98 Pic Long 3192m (726m) France
24 Teleno 2183m (1088m) León 49 P. Trevinca 2127m (885m) Ourense/Zamora 74 Izaga 1360m (799m) Navarra 99 Ganekogorta 999m (718m) Bizkaia
25 Bisaurín 2670m (1039m) Huesca 50 Pienzu 1161m (883m) Asturias 75 Javalambre 2019m (797m) Teruel 100 Ahíllo 1452m (717m) Jaén

(*): it's one the the most controversial because both appear with diferent heights in the maps. It's almost impossible to know the correct height and the diference is less of 2 or 3 meters.
(**): it's not possible to reach the summit because is into a military complex.

Spain's Top 100 Prominence List

The Spanish people can have interest to know the list without the 13 peaks of France or Portugal. The next 13 is a litlle bit confuse because if the height of a peak change in 1 or 2 meters the list is different. I show one of the options:

# Mountain Height(Prom.) Province # Mountain Height(Prom.) Province
101 Oiz 1028m (717m) Bizkaia 108 Sant Jeroni 1236m (700m) Barcelona
102 T.de l'Orry 2439m (716m) Lleida 109 Valdeiglesias 2136m (699m) León
103 Peña Ten 2142m (715m) Asturias/León 110 Creu de Santos 942m (697m) Tarragona
104 Navazuelo 1379m (708m) Córdoba 111 Morrón 1608m (689m) Granada
105 Ernio 1078m (704m) Gipuzkoa 112 P.Cenajos 1265m (684m) Murcia
106 C.Peña Rubia 2188m (703m) Asturias/León 113 Lastonar 1275m (677m) Málaga

A few of images

Torre Cerredo (2648m)T.Cerredo
Torrecilla (1.919 m), the...Torrecilla

Pico de la SagraPico de la Sagra

Range of MoncayoMoncayo
Montcalm, Verdaguer, Pica and GabarróPica d'Estats

La MaromaMaroma

TorreTorre (Estrela)

Dawn in CotiellaCotiella

External Links

Wikipedia: Iberian Peninsula
Summit Listings
Iberian summits with at least 590m prom.
Map of the list of Iberian summits

Additions and CorrectionsPost an Addition or Correction

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visentin - Nov 2, 2011 4:50 am - Voted 10/10

Interesting list !

I don't know why but in France people aren't so interested in prominences. I'm curious how would the list look like..

Rafa Bartolome

Rafa Bartolome - Nov 2, 2011 11:10 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Interesting list !

yes, it's true, but it's an important movement all over the world and also in Europe with people in Poland, England, Italy,... in Spain is recent and we use the prominences in the web www.mendikat.net and the magazine Pyrenaica. In http://www.pyrenaica.com/ you must visit "Rincón del tachamontes" (peakbagger's corner) with interesting list with height and prominences. I added other pages in links section

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