Alberto Rampini


A Little About Me

Jonathan Waterman: "We climb because the mountains are our church. In fact, He - the Creator, Allah, God, the Great Fly Swatter or Buddha - cannot be greater than the sight of an aurora borealis at -50°C, when the wind buzzes on an ice fin and the light opens a gap direct in your soul."
About me: Since the year 1973 i started to climb on the Alps, Dolomites, Prealps, and later in different European countries, then in Patagonia, Cordillera Blanca, Cordillera Real, Kenya, Jordan and Morocco. In Patagonia i climbed some new routes, on Torre Central del Paine, Mocho, Cerro Nato and Cerro Dos Picos. In the Moroccan Anti-Atlas I have carried out an intense pioneering activity in 2010-2011-2012 and 2013, realizing about twenty new routes clean-climbing style.
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